Sunday, 11 March 2012

Tockholes and Brinscall

Today was forecast to be sunny intervals and temperatures of 140C, neither of which was correct.  Anyway myself and Dean met at Bobs Smithy to ride a route we have done before, down to Barrow Bridge, Horrocks Fold, Dunscar Golf Club and up onto the Whitton Weavers Way.  The climb up from the golf club and all the way to Tockholes was directly into the wind, not too strong but enough.  At Tockholes the descent back to the A666 was as wet and dirty as it usually is.  Crossed the main road and a nice climb before dropping down to Brincall for the café stop.  Down the bridle path to White Coppice and then across to Healey Nab, very wet and chewed up trials lower down, needs a better surface that just peat.  Back to Horwich through Lever Park and home on Middlebrook Valley Trail, a good 34 miles, 2,200 feet of climbing.